Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council normally meet at 7.00pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall in Little Weighton. Members of the public are invited to attend and there is a 10 minute public forum at the start of each meeting.

What to expect from a Parish Council Meeting?

A little about what to expect from the meetings and headings such as

How does the Open Forum work?
As stated in the Parish Council Standing Orders;

Item 75  In the early part of a meeting of the Council, an Open Forum will be called and at the discretion of the chair will last a maximum of 15 minutes.

Item 76  During the Open Forum the public (and for the purposes of this forum, Parish Councillors shall not be regarded as members of the public,) shall direct any question or statement to the chair of the council or through the chair of the council of an appropriate committee or any member of the council on matters relating to business of the council, or matters of concern which need to be brought to the attention of the council.

Item 77 In meetings involving consultation on a planning application, a ten minute period will be allowed at the beginning of the meeting for the public (and during this period) Parish Councillors shall not be regarded as members of the public) to make statements on the planning issues relating to the application.

Item 78 Members of the public may not attend the table of the council or its committee meetings.  With the exception of the Proper Office and invited speakers addressing the Council or its committees, no other persons may attend the Council or committee table

Parish Council Meeting dates can be found via our Meeting Calendar.

If you want to suggest any items for the parish council please complete this form on our Contact Us Page

Parish Councillors

Rowley Parish Council currently have 11 members consisting of Chairman, Vice Chair, Parish Councillors and a clerk who volunteer to support the local community. If you would like to know more about who they are and what they do please see our Councillors page.

Join the Parish Council

Being a parish councillor can be a very rewarding and interesting experience and helps you to give something back to the community you live in. It enables you to work alongside likeminded people, share ideas, discuss projects, and have a very real input into decisions concerning the parish and the continuing development of the community. You really can make a difference to your community by becoming a parish councillor.

The opportunity to stand is open to almost anyone over the age of twenty one, who is an elector and either resides in the parish or within 3 miles of the parish boundary. There are some other criteria that would enable a person to stand for election, such as owning land in the parish. There are, of course, some that would disqualify a person from serving such as bankruptcy or conviction of corrupt or illegal practices.

Elections for parish councils are held every four years and you can stand for election by obtaining a nomination paper from East Riding of Yorkshire Council. It is also possible to be co-opted onto the Council. If a vacancy occurs between elections a person can apply to fill that vacancy.

Notices of casual vacancies are posted on parish notice boards and electors have 14 working days from the date of the notice to claim an election. If no election is claimed the parish council may fill the vacancy by co-option.

As a Member of Rowley Parish Council you would be required to attend monthly meetings of the full council. You would also need to be willing to be a part of a team, peruse documents and reports and occasionally represent the Council at meetings concerning the parish community.

For more information please contact the Rowley Parish Council Clerk.